Monday, May 23, 2016

7:45 PM - Monday Night (Home)

Everything is here. Three panda, two chokers, and three necklaces.
As well as other stuff like shoes and hair stuff.
Bless my mom for putting up with me and my random needs. Considering I don't have a card here, buying things online makes it really hard. Hahah, so I am actually really thankful my parents and friends put up with me.

I was worried about my mom and sister coming, there was a slightly bad storm here today, lasted half the day! And it was during the time they were coming in. I am always worried about people I love being on planes over the water, or riding boats. I don't want anything to happen to them. Thankfully nothing did.

So, I went to bed late....erm early? I fell asleep around 9am. -laughs- I was waiting for someone to reply, and they never did. So I guess he got busy.

It is okay though. -smiles- He allowed me to stay and talk to him while he was doing something important. Which made me really happy.

I was really tired though. Hahah, I don't even remember what I kept sending him. I think I complained about attention if anything. I become bratty and overly needy when I am sleepy.

Today was a good day. -smiles- Slept with Ace the bear, talked to him until he stopped replying, my mom and sister came home safely, got these cute things. Ember came over and chilled for a bit.
I must say, today was a good day -smiles-

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