Thursday, May 5, 2016

5:51 AM - Friday Morning

I fell asleep again yesterday when I got home.
So that means, I have not done any of my assignments. Not that they are due today for a change.
And my mom kept calling me, and talking for hours, even though she knew I was tired. Hahaha, got to love my mom. She has nothing better to do, so she has to annoy her child on the other side of the world since she misses me so.

Yesterday, we had to write a essay for our health teaching, and Ember just had to read mine. She wants me to go try out for the school magazine. That is not happening. On any level. I like writing, but to actually put in effort, no. Besides I am not a writer. I already submit drawings for their articles whenever Jaya needs someone to draw. I do my part for the school as it is.

And I am a bit peeved with Tony.
He volunteered to take the forms everyone needs to get signed for the DR, promising he will go every day to see who is the staff nurse, but does he? Of course not. He is too tired from partying at the clubs at night to get his butt up and go to the hospital. So now no one in our section is complete. And the deadline is in 2 weeks. I am forcing Sam, and Ember wants to just tag along because she feels left out if she doesn't, to go to the hospital with me so I can ask for the schedule of the staff nurses that way we can all get signed. I have no idea why he didn't ask for the schedules, or even asked the third years to bring it with them since they were on duty there last week. Tsk, he shouldn't make promises he can't keep. 

Plus, I told him I am already busy as it is, and I don't want to be part of a committee for anything. And what does he do? He signs my name up as a committee member. What for? Stage design, props, and graphics designer. No. Just no. I love taking part in events, but I told him I did not want to do anything this year for it. I already turned down the dance group because I don't want to be obligated to go to the practices that run until 10 or 11 pm at night. I want to be at home and relax this summer.
But he did it anyways. Thanks Tony. Yes I know I am one of the students in nursing who knows what she is doing on a computer. Yes, I know I can easily get things put together and whatnot for props, and get people to actually help out for the stage. BUT I DON'T WANT THE STRESS AND PULLING ALL NIGHTERS FOR THAT! I do that during regular schooling, I don't want it during summer. So now, I have to go to the LGU and explain to them to remove my name. Juliet better listen to me. I already know they are going to be upset because they count on me with all the other things during the school year, and this will be the first time I don't help out with the hands on stuff. But I really don't want to. And I got to learn to say no. I am too tired as it is, and I am not going to kill myself over pleasing them this time. I made myself sick last time I stressed about a school event. Not this time. Not when my mom is going to be here before that event. She and I has already planned to do relaxing things, so I can't get sick. I need to be 100% healthy.

Sam was trying to put everything on me as well, I mean I was asleep, but if someone messages me, I wake up and read the messages on my phone. She kept asking me to do the program, to do this and to do that. I offered to do the powerpoint, because they wanted it to be amazing, and yes I can graphically make the program papers look cool, but I am not going to stress myself last minute on it! She knows how I get when I have to do things last minute. So I had to tell her to ask someone else in the group.
I have no idea if she did but she did say it was okay I wasn't going to do it.
It better be.

I am less tired than I was most of this week.
Sam keeps complaining she is tired, but it is her own doing. She stays up all night talking on her phone to her girlfriend, her girlfriend is very sweet and understanding. In fact she gets told by her to go to sleep but Sam refuses. -shakes head- I am about to lose it with people this week. 
If someone tests my patience today, I may just snap at them.
Though my hormones are slowly going back down. Yay for my menstrual cycle for ending! No more dysmenorrhea, nor more bad emotions and mood swings.

I just hope today goes smoothly. Especially at the hospital with the staff nurses. We are suppose to have a C.I with us, but since duty has already ended, we don't know how they will react. -laughs- Hopefully I can charm my way through them and get them to sign for at least me. I do hope so. If not, one instructor already agreed she will come if there is no other choice. I am not going to stress right now about that. Just going to see what I can do. After all I am a miracle worker when it comes to things.

Also, I thought of him, but I wrote my thoughts on a piece of paper. No need to make this blog any "frownier" than it already has been. That way no one has to read those thoughts.

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