Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5:42 PM - Wednesday Evening

Today was quite interesting after English 31.
Health Education was boring, we only passed our powerpoints and that was it.
Though Sammie and I both started wondering what happened to Ember. She was suppose to be back Monday because that is what she told me, and she texted me on her way there. She likes keeping up with my life.
During our short lunch break, we were downstairs waiting for the classroom to be open to us. Since it is one of the A/C rooms in the school, everyone likes to show up early.
But it is normal for Sam and I to go directly there with lunch because we like sitting down on the ground and watching the sky. It is quite peaceful since not a lot of people goes down that area.
I started lecturing her because she never texted me back and I sent her about 10 messages worried about her since she didn't reply Sunday night and she wasn't in school for 2 days.
She apologized and started telling me all that happened in Boracay.
Apparently her cellphone was stolen, along with her friends. They had asked a person to take their photo and the people ran off with their phones. She kept crying because she was so worried about her classes, and with no way to get a hold of me, there was no way to smooth things over with the instructors.
I had already taken care of it for her. She was happy when I already asked the instructor if she could take the Exam on the 5th before the grades get put up. And she agreed on the grounds I help her grade papers. So that is what I ended up doing for an hour in our informatics class.
Ember was doing catch up on her assignments, she was so happy that I took notes for her, and that I am always willing to pull her back to the pace the class is at.
She calls me her life saver since no one else ever is willing to help her.
She also bought Sam and I a bunch of bracelets from Boracay. -laughs- When I mean a bunch I mean in total she brought 20 bracelets, and 6 tiny bottle of sands(keychains) 
I have no idea what I would have done with 10 bracelets! She wanted Sam and I to split it evenly. I  only took 5, Sam took a few more than me. She is going to give it to her family. I just liked these 5 the best. Haha.
Ember now wants me to go to Boracay with her in October because she really wants us three to do some bonding.
She is starting to become a part of my group of friends. She even went on my facebook. I don't usually let people go through my stuff, but she wanted to send herself notes, so I allowed her. She had to inform me I had a message request from someone, and she read it. Apparently someone I never met before, but friends with people I attended high school with, things I am too adorable to look at and it is a problem.
I don't know how I should feel about that. Considering the friends we have mutually, it isn't all that good of a thing.
Ember, Sam and Andrew helped me out big time today.
I had a creepy person call me so much today.
I put the calls on ignore, but I answer unknown numbers because I never know if it is a cousin, or family member trying to get a hold of me, or someone who wants to talk to me about property here, or something relating to my mom.
And he kept changing numbers.
I had asked him where he got my number and he said, "Facebook."
Which is a lie. I do not just give out my cellphone number on facebook. I am not stupid, I know what I have on my facebook.
So he kept changing his story. And I still have no idea how he got my number. But after I ignored his calls during lunch time, he called again on a different number, and kept doing so until Sam got pissed off and answered the phone.
Eventually it ended with me having to take the call and hanging up, that is when the texts came in, and Ember got annoyed because it was distracting, so she tried to asked the guy to stop because it was ridiculous of how many calls and messages he was sending.
Of course he didn't stop.
So Andrew, he sits right in front of my computer asked what was going on. Which we told him I had a creepier calling me for some reason. And the next time the guy called, Andrew answered instead. He didn't even let me stop him. Darn guy.
I honestly have no idea what he said to the creep but I haven't gotten a call in now 3 hours.
I really hate when I get strangers calling my phone. Makes me want to get rid of my sim. It never stops. I had changed my number now 5 times since I got here back in 2014. And it still happens! I have no idea how these guys get the numbers. I am almost certain they get it from my guy cousins back in Duero. I know I am going to talk about this next time I am there.
I do not want people calling me out of nowhere to tell me to do things with them. Um, HELLO I AM NOT A HOOKER! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!
But over all it was a good day.
I am very sleepy though. I may take a power nap before I start on my assignments. This time I am going to get them done BEFORE I go to bed. Naps do not count as going to bed. -laughs-

I honestly cannot complain about him in this post....he...I don't even know. I am being emotional right now due to being a female, and it is all confusing. I cannot wait until it is over and my hormones go back to normal and I can think straight. Silly menstruation cycle making me all nuts. I am just going to keep thinking the fluttery feeling and racing is due only because of that, I don't think he will be happy at all if I go right back to point a with all of my feelings towards him. -shakes head- Come on Tina! Try harder! I can do it! I hope. -laughs- But since I am all moody, I guess right now isn't all that bad to say I am still in love with him with all my heart. -smiles-
Got to try harder and see him only as a friend!

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