Saturday, May 7, 2016

6:39 PM - Saturday Evening

Today was quite something else.
Sara is for sure going to Arizona to live this 20th. Go her! So proud of her finally getting over herself an doing something she always wanted to do.
After all, "Nothing can happen till you swing the bat."
Never be afraid to go after something that you want. Be fearless, even if failure is waiting at the doorstep. So I am proud of her. Taking life by the horns and such. It isn't like her at all. But she will do just fine.

I went to Duero today, just to check up on things. Not the best thing for me to do, they are still sour about my opinion from last time I was there. But my mom wanted me to see how everyone was doing. They still have no idea she is coming home this month. They are all worried about the Fiesta down there, and they don't know I already started buying stuff so we can have a big party this year. My mom's wishes. 

I also decided to do my makeup today. Because I just felt like it. I am still not amazing at doing it, but I am still okay at it. Maybe my eyes are my best feature.

"Why not just get lost in my eyes, I promise you won't regret it."

-laughs- If only I had the balls to say that to someone important to me. Oh well, I am just being silly, I am thankful we are still friends. Hopefully he is doing well. I know he reads this blog. I don't want him to see my photos, or know my feelings towards him and whatnot, it is too embarrassing, but I also have other people who read this blog.
Thank you random people from Facebook who I forgot and that you decided to bring it to my attention there laughing at me. Yes, I am talking to you Chris. I DO still keep up with my blog. Thank you very much. No sense in starting a new so don't pick on me or I will delete you off Facebook. 

I am no longer sleepy. I slept a lot. Haha.

Maybe it is because I haven't felt like putting myself back together that I felt so tired.

I decided today I would at least get a start on that. Thus makeup. I am slowly gluing my life back together. I just have to focus on the positive things in my life. Just because I lost a lot of wonderful things, doesn't mean I shouldn't smile and whatnot.

I don't expect it will all go away over night, but I am tired of not doing anything with myself.

I still love him. Nothing I can do about that until it passes, but I can focus on myself, and love myself with my biggest smile.

I may be a bit buzzed while I write this blog. Hehe, I was drinking with my neighbor Gracie, and her husband. They are such wonderful people. I was offered a job at her nail salon. I should think about it. It would be quite of a hassle, but it could also be slightly fun. But...when I think about the type of girls who actually go to nail places here makes me want to rip my brains out of my head. They are the annoying type.

I am going to think about watching movies. I am bored. Bored and buzzed. I should drink coffee to clear my mind. Hahaha, never mind about anything else. -smiles- I love my life. All the ups and downs. I love it all. 

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