Friday, September 30, 2016

10:38 PM - Friday Night

Week was going swell, up til yesterday. 
Yesterday I got sick, lost my voice and kept falling asleep in class. Scared almost everyone because mid-conversation I would nod off into a light sleep. Hahah. 
I think just the weather changes are getting to me again.
Skipped school today because I kept falling asleep. I couldn't kept my eyes open.
Feeling better now. Had a small scare after I coughed up a bit of blood. Always scary when one coughs up blood. I watch too many medical shows, read way to many medical books, so I thought I was dying. Thank fucking goodness my uncle Bobong came over to check up on me and give me a quick assessment. Just a bad case of sinusitis. So far no more coughing up blood since that one time. Thought the worst has finally happened. Thank goodness this time it was all in my head.

Other than that, O.R has been a lot of fun this week. I made friends with this one staff nurse who keeps joking around with me. Whenever I needed his signature he would run away. Eventually he got lectured by my instructor that he has no choice but to sign. A 45 year old man getting lectured by a 50 something year old woman on acting like a child. -laughs- 
He thanked me for the cookies I baked him Wednesday. He actually found my facebook just to thank me. Usually would be creeped out, but since most of the staff nurses and doctors befriends the students, I found it normal. Didn't add him as a friend. Cannot handle his peering into my life online, even just a little! Bad enough he now knows my hair is curly. Tsk tsk, he is like an older brother. Hope he gets married so I can embarrass him towards his wife.
I also ended up talking to a doctor in the PACU room of the OR. -laughs- In all honestly, I didn't know he was a doctor. He dressed like a nurse, and kept hanging around the student quarters. He almost saw me undress because of it. -shakes head- Thankfully I wasn't, just getting ready until I heard a voice. He didn't know, he was looking for Yna because of the specimen bottle from her surgery wasn't labeled. Everyone had a great laugh because Clave was the one who screamed and tried to hide himself. He may be a male, but he is a true female. Hahahaha.

Anyways, worked on my thesis a bit yesterday and today. 
Talked with my mom, she swears I look like I am on the brink of death and that I need sleep. She called me ugly for having such huge eyebags now. Not my fault I am sick with assignments piled up on me. 
Got them mostly done, just resting now. Feeling loads better, and....
I had a dream about him last night. I cannot remember anything from the dream, but he appeared and smiled at me. He said something. Hahaha forgot what it was. Dream me seriously should pay attention.
It was really odd, haven't been able to recall my dreams due to being overly tired, but just recalling him being in my head when I slept was....somewhat comforting.

Friday, September 23, 2016

1:56 AM - Saturday Morning

Hahahah, well today was interesting.
Yna's birthday. And of course I had to do something for her 19th birthday. So I bought her a rainbow chocolate cake, and 3 balloons (3 for I love you). She loved it, of course she would. Hahaha she loves cake and balloons. More so she wasn't expecting any of it. Apparently I am good at surprising people. She came rushing to us, Patch, Sam, Jhens because Pamu went to get her telling her we needed her because of an emergency. So she came and then calmed down when she saw Patch with Sam's Ipad, so she was posing for "photos" so when she walked closer to Patch, Sam, Jhens and I popped out of nowhere singing happy birthday to her which caused Yna to jump backwards in shock and she started to turn red and cry because she didn't think anyone besides Fritz was going to give her something. 

I am just glad I made her day a good one, she was really happy and enjoyed the balloons. She may be 19, but she still is a kid at heart.

Other than that, I have a new wallpaper. -laughs- My classmate Boc. I had left my phone on my desk during NCM this afternoon, so I can go and pay tuition for my sister since she has exams Monday.

I was gone for a good 5-8 minutes. And I came back to Boc's face as my wallpaper. Hahahah. It gave me a fright because I didn't realize that he changed it so I ended up asking if anyone seen my phone, because I was confused. I don't function well with very little sleep. Hahah.

He told me that he thought it was a cute prank because I kept telling him to stop being so serious and loosen up. And it was after I told him I would rather be with a sincere guy than a handsome guy. Don't really know why or how I ended up in that kind of conversation with him, but  have a feeling it has to do with Andrew because I keep telling them all that I feel uneasy around Andrew and it isn't a crush, I just feel that he might be a bad person and just hiding it.

But I informed Boc I am leaving it as my wallpaper for a few days. Hahah. He agreed saying that way my phone has "some class" to it. Yes I guess he may be right. -laughs- I am glad he is my friend. He cheers me up whenever I get quiet.

Today has been full of smiles and memory making. I am glad that I decided to come to school here. So many people have become important to me. They aren't just friends anymore, they are more like a family to me. Tons of support, heart to heart conversations, openness and acceptance about everything. Every flaw, every little thing about each other is beauty in each other's eyes. And whenever one of is down, the others actually stick to that person's side. I am glad to be part of this barkada. 

I know it is Saturday and I am writing about Friday. The next day doesn't start until I wake up. Hahahah. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weekend Plan

Let's see if I can make them colorful. Hahahahah. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

5:11 PM - Wednesday Evening

OR duty rotation for a month.
I knew it was coming. I knew it will be for 4 weeks. And yet I didn't know how tiring it truly will be. -laughs-
Only been 3 days in the Operating Room and I have already been in 5 different surgeries! Today I only been in 1, but that lasted hours, just about my whole shift. Hahah 4 plus hours standing and being an instrument nurse. 
Yna and I were the scrub nurses, she kept forgetting she was suture nurse while I kept forgetting I was the instrument nurse. That happened because I am so use to dealing with the needles/sutures, the re-tractors and other things instead of the scissors and clamps. The staff Nurse in charge of the room we used kept laughing because after a few hours I had to move around so I was bouncing from side to side. He thought it was cute and told Yna to move around, but to put hand in the scrub gown to stay sterile. After all of was over, our legs were killing us. Hahaha our instructors both left us because they got hungry and they were so tired so they said "Good luck, you know what to do."
Oh my gosh, I was so scared at first, but thankfully they doctors knew we were still new to knowing what they would need next, but Yna and I caught on pretty quickly! Before we knew it, we knew which clamp and whatever they needed with very little verbal instructions, of course unless they were thinking what they needed.
It was very intense, and the student surgeon, I felt bad for her. She was so nervous because that was her first surgery and she asked me if it was also my first time, and I told her no, but first time being the instrument nurse. -laughs- She was really sweet and apologized for taking so long to close the incision site. We all had a good laugh and said it was fine.

The first surgery I was in, I was of course the scrub suture nurse (my favorite), and it was just a c-section. The staff nurse who was assisting kept joking around asking me questions, which made a chain reaction to the nurses asking questions, and even Ma'am Babor started laughing and said it is my fault that everyone is talking, and to apologize to the Doctor for being loud. Thankfully the Doc wasn't bothered and enjoyed listening, made the time go by faster.
But now, the 3 staff nurses who run around the OR rooms, keep joking around with me. I adore them. One of them is this 50 something year old lady, and she is the sweetest thing ever! She keeps making jokes but then makes sure I understand what is being said because some of the surgeons are from Manila so I end up being problems with understanding because of their accents. 
The other is a head staff nurse, and he keeps me busy with mindless busy work if I am not on a case. -smiles- He figured out I don't like being bored. Thank goodness on that.
And the other one is this old guy(late 50s I think), and he keeps telling me if I am observing a surgery that no students are on, that I am allowed in and to watch up close, just don't touch anything because I am un-sterile. Thanks to him, I was able to witness so many things up close. 
And this one surgeon, he is a Orthopedic Surgeon. And yesterday I muttered how cool it was that he was drilling the metal plate in the ankle, and he asked if I wanted to see something cooler, and then pulled the skin/fat/muscle. to show me the bones underneath and told me which was which, and since I was scrubbed in, he said I could hold the clamp that was holding the fracture bones in place, I am glad my instructor allowed it because that was just cool. 
I really, REALLY enjoy being in the Operating Room as a scrub nurse. -smiles-
So far I love it.
I actually might be a good nurse in the future. 
I cannot give up on myself just yet.

Goal: Be the best damn cute nurse ever.

Sleepy time for this student nurse.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Started watching Disney again, to feel happy and warm.
I am glad to say I did. One day at a time.
One day I will find my King, hopefully. Hahahah.
Poor Simba for never actually being stronger than Nala.
Always a must to rewatch Disney Classic Movies.
Up next, Sword in the Stone!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

10 AM - Saturday Morning

Just got home. Ended up spending the night at a classmate's place due to drinking.
Yup, back to drinking. Peer pressure does sometimes work. Hah. Hard to say no if no classes due to intrams. Ended up scaring the guys since I ended up crying while drinking. -laughs- They didn't know what to do, nor did I actually know the reason why I was crying. New drunk side of me I suppose. Or maybe since it was tequila and I rarely drink that. -shrugs- But they let me spend the night, and a few others since it was late and drinking made it worse to go home. Haha.

It was intrams this week, it is over now. I had lots of fun watching everyone compete against each other. My college is second place in Frisbee and 3rd place in women's basketball. I don't know about the others. I missed the last game for baseball so I have to ask Gerald who won. We are either first place or second. Hopefully first place.

My head hurts a bit. Is this what a hangover feels like? I don't like it. I am waiting for my cousin to make breakfast for me.
I might go on a small ran away trip during sem break. Life started to suck again.
Matt and I stopped talking. Don't know why. Maybe because his ex and him started talking again and I got pushed aside...again. We weren't together, nor did I like him more than a friend. But it still peeves me that he stops talking to me when he gets someone, and talks to me when he is single. Like, what the actual fuck. -sighs- Same goes with most of my other friends. Both female and male alike.
I miss being in the states. I miss Sondra. Hah, only a year and a half more. 
I can make it through, hopefully.

2 AM - Saturday Morning

Drunken, semi-drunk...hahahah my head hurts.  Thank goodness for autocorrect. Ahh will regret later. But comfy. Warm. Better than I was an hour ago.
Messy face, empty stomach, blank a really slow internet. Beddie bye time. Hahahahagaga.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

5:19 PM - Wednesday Evening

Okay, so no photos in this post. -laughs-
I been having a lot of fun these past few days. Since last week.
Fiesta where my best friend Sam lives, and now a Fiesta in the place my friend Pamu lives. Hahahah.
Also just finished CHN rotation, and SUCCESSFUL did a full health teaching on Hypertension in Binisayan!!! I usually do broken English, but today, I managed to do it all in Binisaya without help and without flash cards for if I got stuck! I am pretty excited about that. Haha.

Okay, lets start with last week. Friday was the start of Fiesta in Lindaville, originally I was invited to Gerald's girlfriend's place. Elaine really wanted me to go, and always asked every year for me to attend. I always said maybe, but backed out last minute because I didn't know where she lives and no one was willing to go with me there. But Gerald now has a car so he said he'd take me during lunch time. THANKFULLY, I didn't go during lunch, so many people were late and got in trouble. He told Tony to bring me along since we are classmates, and Gerald had to go and help out at the household, Tony didn't wait for me, so I didn't go. Blessing in disguise.  After Gerald got back, he went to my classroom and lectured me about not attending and said no matter what I WILL attend Saturday for lunch at least, because he knows Sam would want me sometime during the day or night at her place, and since they are not friends anymore, I had to have time for both. So I went, it was nice and I had a good time. Then I went home and fell asleep and woke up to Sam calling me nonstop. -laughs- She came and picked me up to have dinner at her place, to which she and I ended up watching movies in the house of hers, while everyone was eating at the Grandma's place, right next door to them, about a split second walk from the back door. Hah. It was so much fun. -smiles-
Then Monday and Tuesday, Jhens, Patch, Pamu, Yna, JC, and Sam kept dragging me everywhere, and I had so much fun during CHN. And today, Pamu exclaimed how we should go to her place today since tomorrow we have classes during the evening time, so only this afternoon we'll be able to make it.
We went. Originally we were suppose to catch a ride with Tony, but he wanted to wait for the C.I's to bring them along, and we didn't want to wait, so we decided to take the bus. Hahah Jhens and I ended up in the back and the others in the front. So much bonding was done at Pamu's. We did karaoke, I ended up singing when the C.I's came, and Ma'am Escobido ended up laughing saying how cute I am when I sing Disney songs, and then how serious I am when I sing normal songs. Sam and I even did "Say My Name". It is our "duet" song. I sing the chorus and she sings the verses. Hahah. The people there were very shocked to have an "American" visit because they thought Pamu was joking that she was close to her American classmate. Hahah, I am just a very lazy person when I don't fully know where the person lives, but tagging along was so much fun. I am 100% glad I went with them. 
Tomorrow is exams, and Friday is exams. I am not stressed. I am tired, but so happy. For once, in a long time, I am not forcing a smile, and I have enjoyed the days that been going on, and I am looking forward to the rest of the week and next week. Next week is Intrams! No classes! And I get to cheer on my classmates while they play sports against the other colleges on campus. I am excited! -smiles-
Gonna take a nap now.