Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So recently I was going through some old stuff and I found LOTS of pretty paper from Art 1 class in senior year. -laughs- I took a ton home with me in the past because I was helping make 1000 paper crane. Which I managed to do almost all by myself with only a little help from a few other people. I enjoy doing origami when I have some down time. I have forgotten how to do a lot since it has been years since I have done any, and I am hoping I'll start back up once again when I find books to relearn it all. This time I have only worked on the easy stuff: crane, owl, bunny, horse, and pelican. I use to be able to do more, but as I said a long time makes it hard to remember how to do it. Hopefully with a little more practice I'll be able to do it like before. -smiles- Not bad for a person who forgotten. The book in the pictures is a muppets book. I had it since I was around 5 years old. And I still have it. I as in love with them since a kid and I still enjoy watching their movies and reading their books. I have almost all of them. If I ever get around to my storage unit and my boxes of books, I'll count how many I have. Childhood memories are the best for me. Hopefully you'll enjoy my pictures of my easy origami.

The paper
Peace Crane


1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't even be able to fold the paper in half. I've tried origami and I failed miserably ahaha. I remember when you were trying to teach the class and we all sat there like, "Uhhh" I still find it oddly hilarious.
