Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Just recently found a picture of my older sister and I sitting on Santa's lap. She is the one with the sweater and the tights, I'm the one with the white dress. I love being girly. -smiles- Oh the memories I have with my older sister...most of them SUCKED! -laughs- She and I never really saw eye to eye, but we are sisters and there is sisterly love between us. But we enjoy our times of torturing and teasing and fighting with each other. My favorite memory of my sister and I were every winter time we'd lay under the christmas tree when there was no gifts and stare at the lights blinking on and off. Hahahah, it's funny how my sister and I set up a tree just to do redo those times recently. Hahah, I wish I took a picture before my mom made us take it down. -smiles- I enjoyed the time with my annoying older sister. ^w^

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