Sunday, August 27, 2017

Can't Sleep.

So I decided go take a photo of my eyes.
Cause why not?
It is a holiday today, and fiesta at my friend's place....and it is approaching 3am and I have not slept yet.
Only 10 more months or so til I am back home. (If i pass my classes)
I have been tired(emotionally, mentally, and physically)
Hey mister, if you are reading this, I hope you are well and know I am thinking of you. I sent messages but no reply. I miss you greatly.
Chances are slim that he still reads this.
I barely update it anymore cause the moment I get home I pass out since I have no one to talk to online and the days are busy.
But I am working hard to stay upbeat and do my best.
Even if it feels like everything is just out to get me. -laughs- School has gotten really hard really quickly. And the challenges I face due to it just makes it tiring. But it should all be worth it. I know many people will be pissed off it I don't give it my all and get my stupid degree.

Anyways, til next time.
CiĆ o~

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