Friday, May 20, 2016

1:04 AM - Saturday Morning (Home)

So, I was correct in thinking my sister was going to get in a relationship with the guy she was going to move in with. Hah, I know her so well, I always know when she has a crush on someone, and she always gets the guy. Always. I am happy for her. She leaves today to go there with him. I am excited that she is starting a whole new life.

My mom is going to leave tomorrow to come here, hope all goes well. My mom's family already knows she is coming. Though they think she will be here today. -laughs- My mom was originally suppose to be here today, late today, but she didn't get the flight so she comes Monday afternoon. So later today, I know my cousins and aunt here in the apartment will be shocked because it was the gossip of the town, so they came here to meet with her....because they want something from her. They literally made up so many excuses to why they were staying in the apartment this weekend, instead of attending my cousin's wedding. They really think my mom will be here and that we all will go to the wedding, nope. That isn't happening.

Today was the last day of my summer classes. Passed all my classes, I got good grades, and I didn't study at all. That makes me think that it was either too easy, or that I actually am selling myself too short on my intelligence.

Ember took Sam and I out for lunch today. Her way of thanking us for "putting up" with her. I told her it wasn't problem. I think it was basically her worried since I didn't eat since yesterday at 10:30am, and it wasn't much. I was busy with class things. Since the class relies on me to do things for them. In fact I haven't properly slept these past few days. So many assignments, then helping everyone with theirs. I told them to send before 10PM or 11PM at the latest if they wanted me to edit and reformat things for them, but I would get things so early in the morning, and I feel bad turning people away when they need my help, so I sacrificed my sleep to get school things done for everyone. And Ember noticed that I was running thin because everyone was pulling me in so many directions during Health Education with our compilation of our assignments.
So she took me out. She also wanted me to confront the guy who was fixing her phone, it has been almost a month and it still isn't working, even though he kept telling her it will work. I spoke to him, and he promised a full refund and a free case if it isn't working by Monday evening. That made her happy. Sam is in Cebu this weekend. Her family is all over there, I forgot what the reason was, she kept telling me, but I been too tired to pay full attention to her.

Anyways, in Informatics class, one of the instructors, Mam Tubio our lab instructor, she kept gushing about my digital artwork, she loves how I layer things and how "professional" my fake copies of hospital data records look. Little does she know, I did most of it on programs she never heard of, just to save my time and effort. Hahah, she asked what art program I used for my advertisement, which is Paint Tool SAI, and she didn't know what that was.
I also ended up doing free virus removal on everyone's USB, just as a final nice act for the class. 
Afterwards, Ember and I ended up listening to music on Sam's Ipad. We went down our childhood songs. We both agreed on a few songs. She is also a major Owl City fan, she made me listen to Vanilla Twilight, and I like that song now. I am also going to teach her how to sign Fireflies because she is interested in learning a song. We also realized we both like The Cab. Hahah, we ended the day singing Disney songs. FINALLY someone who would sing with me without having to sing perfectly. Sam, and JC always need to sing on key and they get upset if they mess up. I just love singing it and making funny voices while doing so. Ember enjoys it too. So that was a lot of fun for us. 
We didn't stay the whole class period, we were let out early. 

I still haven't talked to him.
Yes, I know I shouldn't complain, but I miss him! So much. Hah.
I hope he is well. I miss him constantly on messenger, he is still signed on, so I am sure he is just busy, after all he still has clinicals, and he also has a term paper due, so he must be buried in work and such. I hope he rests well and stays safe.
I do wish I get to talk to him, like last week, I got to talk to him everyday. I love that. I love waking up to talk to him, and falling asleep in pillow paradise, thinking of him puts me at ease. I am always late though. Heheheheh. 

Anyways, enough complaining! It does no one any good.
So currently listening to:

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