I ended up in the hospital. I went there early this morning. Thank goodness my uncle actually answered his phone and came as quickly as he did, considering it is a fiesta here in the city so everyone is going all over the place, and there is this program at the cultural area, so it is all craziness. Happy that he didn't mind to get me and I got the attention I needed.
His family owns the hospital, and he and his family worked in the states. I go to Doctor Bobong for anything I need. Even my current medications are from his pharmacy, he had his daughter bring them over to their place so I don't have to hassle myself to get it.
So what was wrong with me?
Apparently, a few days ago, while I was traveling around in the tricycle, we did get into a fender bender. I didn't think much of it since it is normal during rush hour traffic, and it isn't the first, nor the last one I will be in. But I apparently hit my back just right that it caused nerves to be pinched. It happened in the thoracic part of my spine, causing the pain to radiate to my ribs which made it nearly unbearable for me.
It took them about 3 hours to figure that out, it may be because I wasn't able to speak properly. It has happened before, but not to that extreme. which is why last night I figured it would go away. But it had only gotten worse.
SO now, I am on painkillers as well as anti-inflammatory pills.
To be honest....I was scared out of my mind.
I only been in the ER once and that was back in high school with my parents. But this time...I was alone, I mean I had my uncle and his family, but it isn't the same. They were all busy and I was alone in the room while they were taking tests and waiting for results.
They did skin tests to make sure I wasn't allergic to anything. It was a nightmare to me.
So without having a phone, x-rays/scans, not allowed to have phones during those, I was basically hyperventilating in the room.
This morning I mistakenly posted I was going to the hospital in the conjoined blog. I didn't mean to. -covers face- I didn't want him to know I was going there, I knew he would worry if I told him I was heading to the hospital. Usually I check to see which blog I was writing the new post on, but considering the time of day, I figured the first blog was my blog and posted there via cellphone, I didn't double check.
It wasn't until a few hours later when I got a room and on some medication waiting for the results, Did I realize I posted it on the conjoined blog. And to my shocking surprise he posted a post for me. Which I posed a reply, telling him I am alive and not to worry. Then due to the medication I fell asleep. I been in and out of sleep.
I woke up an hour or so later, because my cousin (also a doctor at that hospital) came to wake me up because I got many texts from my friend Ember. Sadly my phone wasn't fully charged nor did I have a load to reply, so she won't get a reply until who knows when.
So I decided to go and post here, on this blog, but I was shocked to see the number of posts on the conjoined blog jump to more than this blog! So I decided to check it out, I thought I was going crazy because...well I was on drugs.
But no. I wasn't. He posted so many posts. Just so I will have something to read/see when I got bored.
I...I was speechless. I didn't want him to go out of his way to do anything. It isn't his worry.
No, I shouldn't say that. We are still....I would like to say friends. Friends worry.
It was just I didn't think he would do something like that.
He also went on messenger and messaged me. Granted I didn't know until a short while ago.
I was sleeping most of the day, with short moments of being awake.
It would be a lie to say it didn't make my heart skip a beat.
I wish I had been awake and talked to him. It would have calmed me down so much more quicker.
But the fact he had posted all those memes on the blog for me.
I didn't feel so lonely there.
He isn't a bad guy.
I wish he knew that.
Though I still wish I took more care in posting where I had posted.
I honestly wasn't going to tell him, just slide it though in a post on there after I got home. Or tomorrow when I was in my right of mind.
ANYWAYS! So what does it feel like to have a thoracic pinched nerve?
It isn't fun. Not at all.
It felt like someone was stabbing me in the back and there wasn't anything I could do about.
That was what it felt like last night.
This morning, that and my ribs felt like someone was pulling them out then pushing them in over and over again. Thus the whole me ending up in the hospital.
Originally they thought something was wrong with my lungs or heart. They wanted to make sure it wasn't an organ problem.That would have been straight down awful as hell if it was. Thus I was scared mindless.
Thankfully it is only a pinched nerve.
They said it will settle down if I don't strain my back, and I rest a lot. And take meds to help with pain and inflammation.
I feel a lot better now.
So right now I am currently in his study, since there are guests over, and I don't want to deal with them because my head is still spinning.
I am glad that it will be okay.
After studying anatomy I do know and understand if I had just sat at home and not cared there is a chance for damaging of the nerve itself, and considering the location, that would be really bad. Trapped/pinched nerves in the spinal area isn't a joke. I get pinched nerves in my knee, so I know how badly it could have gotten if I hadn't gotten it checked out.
Anyways, just wanted to post that because I am still shaking from having to go through that. I wouldn't even wish this upon someone I dislike.
I am going to lay down and rest a bit.