Thursday, July 6, 2017


So it is heavy rain here. And being on ground floor it resulted in a major flood in all the classrooms. Okay so let us break this down. There are about 35 students at the least per class. There are 6 classrooms. Making an est. Of 210 students on the ground floor. Thougy not including the instructors and workers down there and the ones I didn't count because I am estimating from the minimum number per room.
The whole are was so unsafe due to the equipment that was laying around and crap. I dunno why I didn't think more of my safety. I could have gotten badly hurt if something happened.
I ended up ensuring the safest and quickest way to the dry second floor by running around place chairs. Became a major "floor is lava" game and I was in the lava providing the stepping/safe spots for others.
It gotten more crazy when the students and faculty from the floors above were cheering me on yelling out "Hero! Savior! Go nursing student!" hours later I am still getting praised by my selfless actions. Apparently there was a small mishap but controlled thanks to the officer who did his round and stopped it from spreading.
The thought if I ran off like the guys did and the mishap got worse,then the senior high students, and the female senior nursing students and accounting students would have been in big trouble.
My civil service teacher from first year was so proud because I put myself at "risk" for other students....which I HADN'T KNOW OF THE RISK. I just wanted to help and make sure no one slipped and hurt themselves badly. I mean there is no safe landing if the slipped and the danger of them dying from the fall was greater than me getting wet feet/legs. 
Still embarassing to be praised on such a high level for just doing good....

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