Monday, June 6, 2016

12:00 Midnight - Tuesday Early Morning (Bed)

Sometimes, late at night, I like taking crappy selfies on my laptop -laughs-
My hair likes to be wild. Natural untamed hair. If only the quality was better, the curls would be seen. Tsk.

Had a quick chat with the older sister, and she is amazed at how fluffy my hair has become. Apparently she forgot all through high school I straightened my hair. Hah.
It lead us to talk about how all three of our hairs are different. Rosie has that "asian" silky hair. Sara has the course thick hair, and I have the, what Sara likes to call it "Baby doll" hair.
She calls it that because it is curly but not curly enough to consider it curly, but too much to consider it wavy. Hahahah. It usually just reminds her of the toy baby dolls we got as kids. Only difference is that my hair is loads softer. -nods-
Hair jealousy in my family is strong. I love Sara's hair. So straight and thick. Mine is just fluffy so it lies to people. Hahahah, not all that thick.
But in the end, I wouldn't trade my mess for anything. At least it allows me to look slightly older than what most people here think I am. Also styling it isn't a hassle, which is always a plus for a female.

Just having a little late night rambling.
Also, I don't remember if I ever shown my lovely sleeping buddy on here.
My teddy. My special bear that I bring almost every where and sleep with. Most important stuff animal I currently have.
I am a child....-facepalm- I really love stuff animals.

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