Week was going swell, up til yesterday.
Yesterday I got sick, lost my voice and kept falling asleep in class. Scared almost everyone because mid-conversation I would nod off into a light sleep. Hahah.
I think just the weather changes are getting to me again.
Skipped school today because I kept falling asleep. I couldn't kept my eyes open.
Feeling better now. Had a small scare after I coughed up a bit of blood. Always scary when one coughs up blood. I watch too many medical shows, read way to many medical books, so I thought I was dying. Thank fucking goodness my uncle Bobong came over to check up on me and give me a quick assessment. Just a bad case of sinusitis. So far no more coughing up blood since that one time. Thought the worst has finally happened. Thank goodness this time it was all in my head.
Other than that, O.R has been a lot of fun this week. I made friends with this one staff nurse who keeps joking around with me. Whenever I needed his signature he would run away. Eventually he got lectured by my instructor that he has no choice but to sign. A 45 year old man getting lectured by a 50 something year old woman on acting like a child. -laughs-
He thanked me for the cookies I baked him Wednesday. He actually found my facebook just to thank me. Usually would be creeped out, but since most of the staff nurses and doctors befriends the students, I found it normal. Didn't add him as a friend. Cannot handle his peering into my life online, even just a little! Bad enough he now knows my hair is curly. Tsk tsk, he is like an older brother. Hope he gets married so I can embarrass him towards his wife.
I also ended up talking to a doctor in the PACU room of the OR. -laughs- In all honestly, I didn't know he was a doctor. He dressed like a nurse, and kept hanging around the student quarters. He almost saw me undress because of it. -shakes head- Thankfully I wasn't, just getting ready until I heard a voice. He didn't know, he was looking for Yna because of the specimen bottle from her surgery wasn't labeled. Everyone had a great laugh because Clave was the one who screamed and tried to hide himself. He may be a male, but he is a true female. Hahahaha.
Anyways, worked on my thesis a bit yesterday and today.
Talked with my mom, she swears I look like I am on the brink of death and that I need sleep. She called me ugly for having such huge eyebags now. Not my fault I am sick with assignments piled up on me.
Got them mostly done, just resting now. Feeling loads better, and....
I had a dream about him last night. I cannot remember anything from the dream, but he appeared and smiled at me. He said something. Hahaha forgot what it was. Dream me seriously should pay attention.
It was really odd, haven't been able to recall my dreams due to being overly tired, but just recalling him being in my head when I slept was....somewhat comforting.